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So this post is a bit of a departure from my normally real estate centered tutorials and investing and flipping information. But, it’s important to think about other aspects of our lives sometimes, because so many things go into who we are as a whole.

Finding support can be a lifeline when you need help and are struggling. It often feels hopeless, yet there are many places you can make life easier and more bearable when going through a bad time. From volunteering in the community to using local businesses, here are some ideas.

Attend Health and Wellness Events

Health and wellness is a major topic these days and can make a massive difference in your life. From basic healthcare such as dental health and even getting started with yoga and exercise, community services, as shown by Millennia Companies, can offer the support you need. More often than not, these types of events are free and can make a massive difference to your life, your partner, and your children. You may learn skills that carry you and them for life.

I must admit, going into 2024 is a year where I’m trying to focus more on health. My daughter and I are attending spinning classes together 3 times and week and I absolutely love it. We wake up at 5:15am, and to me this time is priceless. Even on days where I don’t feel like really going, knowing that she’s ready and waiting keeps me motivated. And, when I’m done with the class, I feel like I can conquer the world. It’s so very satisfying. So, if you’re coming up with reasons why you can’t fit health and wellness into your life, please try just one class or event. You may just love the way you feel!

Volunteer for Local Services

Getting out there and being with others has major mental health benefits. Being around others in a fun and supportive group reduces feelings of anxiety and counteracts some symptoms of depression. You may not like the idea of working for free, but volunteering typically goes towards good causes. As a result, you immerse yourself in enriching experiences that you can benefit from and give to your community at the same time via schools, churches, and charities.

It’s been a while now, but I loved working with Habitat for Humanity in the past. It fits perfectly with my real estate focus and I love the idea of a family having the opportunity to get into a home of their own. If you don’t like physical activity, you can also use your expertise and experience to volunteer. Again, because of my real estate background, I served for years as a volunteer speaker for down payment assistance programs here in Central Florida. Again, helping families work toward a home of their own was immensely satisfying.

Finding Support with Groups

Mental health issues are increasing, and many people need help. From minor counseling to major therapy, around 12% of adults are actively in mental health treatment. Of course, there are waiting lists for funded therapy, and that’s if it is even available in your area. And it can be expensive to pay privately. Fortunately, support groups are everywhere and don’t ask for payment. With the right support you can stop biting your nails and get the help you need.

Supporting Local Business

Most of us can call out one or two places in our local communities that we love to go to. Maybe you like the local branch of a national franchise, and that’s fine. But you can really get involved in the community and meet locals with a friendly local business. The café on the corner, the family-run cinema, or an independent realtor. Whatever it is, you can feel accepted and part of the town by mingling in places like this, which is vital as part of the hierarchy of needs.

Last year, my daughter established a local charity and the impact on her was immense. She has provided books to low income schools and meeting with the principal and the reading resource coordinator was very impactful. Her charity is called Teenage Teammates, and it’s local to our area, but you can certainly find similar charities, businesses, and events close to you.

Stay Close to Friends

Of course, genuine friends who love and care for you are essential. Not everyone is so lucky to have friends, and often, we have people who appear like friends but really aren’t. Toxic friends should be avoided at all costs, as they won’t care about your problems. If you are lucky enough to have friends who genuinely care about you, don’t waste them. Shutting yourself off could cause you to lose them. A real friend will always listen and try to support you through issues.


Attending local health and wellness events run by charities and organizations will help when finding support in your community. Local support groups, such as for drugs and alcohol abuse, will also offer free and effective support. And genuine friends are vital for getting through.

About the author
HI! I'm the Broker of Castro Realty Group, a real estate company I've owned since 2001. I love all things home related, including real estate, renovations, home flipping, home décor, and crafts.

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